Hello! I’m Leah, a graphic designer and artist.
I’m currently getting my BFA in graphic design at Ohio University and will be graduating in May of 2024.
I grew up with love for both technology and art, so I find graphic design to be the perfect combination of the two.
While working towards my degree, I’ve taken courses to expand my familiarity with both web design and web development.
I created this website for a class project, and it’s all designed and coded by me.
I've also enjoyed expanding my familiarity with different mediums like painting and printmaking.
While this website isn't anywhere near perfect,
I'm really proud of how much my coding skills have grown over time and will be continuing to make it better and better as time goes on.
I hope you enjoy looking at my creations!
Wanna get in touch? Check out my social media or send me an email! Resume or CV available upon request.